Thursday, October 16, 2014

Christmas in October?

I quilting my Christmas quilt. It is unusual for me to be this far ahead of the calendar, so the calendar must be wrong.

This is how I audition quilting patterns:

These are page protectors taped on top of the flimsy, then I use Crayola Window Crayons to mark up the designs I'm thinking of. The marks will wipe right off with a little piece of batting. What an ingenious idea! Sorry, I have forgotten who posted this, not too long ago.

The last couple days I've been doing the Stitch in the Ditch. Not a fun part, at all. This is almost like work! Almost.  Tomorrow I should be able to start FMQing. Looking forward to that.

I got inspiration from Angela Walters latest book:



Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

Beautiful top Lin! I have Angela's new book too - LOVE!! :) I haven't actually done the draw on the quilt top yet - but it looks like a great way to audition. . . Sometimes the vision just doesn't come through when drawing on a picture of the quilt.

I can't wait to see this one quilted up! You guys must be getting ready to migrate south soon?

Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl said...

That is a great way to audition quilting, Lin! I hope the stitch in the ditch finishes up quickly and that the quilting flows smoothly and is fun to do!

Cheryl said...

I love the colors you used in the quilt. It is not the traditional only red and green and is so nice.