Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I suppose the whole world is waiting to see what I have been up to. I admit, I have been absent from the blogging scene a lot lately. I never said I would post every day, and this summer, I certainly have bee way less than that! Well, I'm here now.

The Rally for the Cure Golf Outing was so much fun! My first golf outing, if you remember. Our foursome, who really teamed up thru serendipity, have so much fun together! A foursome of mixed ages and talents. What fun! We surely didn't win anything, but friendship, and that's a big win!

I took some new pictures of Celtic Solstice that should be in focus. It was suggested by  Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl that I take this kind of pictures with my camera in Macro mode. I had to search for it on the camera, not obvious. But here are the pictures:

Will you look at that! You can see the quilting, and they're in focus! Thank you, Yvonne!
At any rate, I added a good bit of quilting. I've been debating if I need to add anything to the top square.
And now, my big question is, what to do with the borders. Here are some pictures of the borders:

The low volume triangles I thought of doing some sort of feather, but I also thought of using  a feather vine in the low volume plain border. (I like doing feathers.) But that seems too feathery. Too much of a good thing. Any suggestions? I could do some pebbles in the triangle border's blues? Ribbon candy in the tan border? Kinda wide tho. Need something for the green one too. sigh.

I can't wait to see how it looks when washed and crinkled.



Gina said...

OK my penny's worth is, straight lines in the inner border, just two or three parallel lines to frame the quilt. YOu can do feathers in the outer border. The triangle borders I would do the orange peel loops like you've done in the centre of the quilt but around the seam lines. Does that make sense, probably not. I love what you've done with the rest of the quilt xx

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am so glad that the macro mode worked so well - great photographs! I would probably go for a ribbon candy in the tan, pebbles in the blue around the triangles (leaving the triangles to pop and puff) and your feathers in the green border. Just my thoughts. Have fun quilting!

purduepam said...

I don't think the feathers will show up in the triangles. I like the idea of the feathers in the inner border.
I am thinking about the quilts my grandmother made. She did everything by hand. She always let the quilting shine in the borders or solid section. She kept the quilting simple in the print section. I always liked her quilting style.
Just my two cents